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One Team; One Goal

Never lose sight of what you are here to do.

You are at your school to educate students. You are there to build their character. You are there to teach them leadership and self expression in and out of the classroom. You are a teacher, a mentor, a guide, a listening ear, a compassionate heart. This is true of every teacher in your building. You are all there to educate students and help them succeed in their lives.

You are at your school to give students the best music education you can. Some teachers and situations produce incredible music programs. Others don't.

My situation in a tricky one. I'm on a cart in a school that is packed in like sardines in a can. Next year, we have more trailers being parked on our campus. I will be given one of those trailers. Is this the ideal situation? No, but it's so much more than what I have now, therefore increasing my music instruction and delivery. (My students will be able to play orff instruments again, thank God!)

I'm preaching to myself today. In the tension and frustration that is moving from one less-than-ideal situation to a different one, it's easy to lose sight of what I am here to do. I am here to be the best music teacher I can be. I am here to cultivate leaders and creative thinkers in and outside music class. But that is secondary to my first goal.

You are on one team. You have one goal. You are here to serve your students to the best of your ability- and if that means you are in a yucky situation where it's hard to do your job, then so be it. Your comfort - my comfort is not my ultimate goal. I am here to serve my students.

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